Learn about the following: Pros & Cons to buying your own home What lenders are looking for it terms of Credit and Debt to Income Ratio The types of home loan products available How to buy rental property The ends and outs of budgeting and savings How to raise your credit score. Workshops are usually every 1st Thursday from 6pm to 8pm at 2221 St. Claude Avenue New Orleans, LA 70117. Space is limited. Please call 800-239-7379 to register. Next Classes are Feb. 1st, 2018 March 1st, 2018 April 5th, 2018 May 3rd, 2018 June 7th, 2018 July 5th, 2018 SUN works with everyone regardless or income or credit situation. One on one pre-purchase homebuyer counseling is also available on a sliding scale fee.
Mardi Gras beads contain high levels of lead that far exceed all known safety standards – standards that are in themselves too low as experts admit there is no safe level of lead exposure. Children who touch Mardi Gras beads will have their hands coated with a fine dust of lead, even though it will not be visible to the naked eye. Beads that are thrown on the ground will poison the soil. This dirt is tracked into the home, spreading even more lead. Pets that play in the dirt and with beads will also be exposed to higher amounts of lead. Lead can kill our pets. In children, Lead Poisoning causes lifelong problems such as brain damage, learning disabilities, aggressive behavior, and damage to all organs of the body. This Mardi Gras season, follow these safety tips: Never put Mardi Gras beads in your mouth Wash hands after touching the beads Bring baby wipes with you to the parades to use frequently on children’s hands Never keep the beads as toys in your child’s ...